Languages, computers and humanities.

Who's who at
personal pages etc.
(mostly in Italian)

Corpora built at
Projects available online.

Introduzione alla linguistica generale: il Linguaggio, le Lingue.
The wider course on General Linguistics freely available online.
(in Italian)

Linguistica dei corpora e linguistica dei corpora italiana. Un'introduzione.
The first introduction to Italian Corpus Linguistics as a free downloadable e-book
(in Italian)

Linguistic Software developed or made available at

E-books and online versions of papers by people.

Courses and seminars at
Web materials.
(mostly in Italian)

Linguistica Generale (2014-...) / Glottologia e linguistica (2011-2013) / Didattica delle Lingue Moderne (2002-2011):
La bacheca elettronica del corso tenuto da M. Barbera presso la fu Facoltà ora Dipartimento di Lingue dell'UniTO.
(in Italian)

Corpora and Corpus-based Computational Linguistics.
CL as it was at the beginnig of the millenium: the Web Resources Reference Guide I maintained till 2004, now only history.

Dottorato in Linguistica, Linguistica applicata e Ingegneria linguistica:
The Web-site of Turin University Ph.D in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Linguistic Engineering as it was in 2007: another piece of history.

True Type Fonts I sometimes made.
(coming soon)

Links to other sites. bookmarks.
(coming soon)

Copyleft and Licenses: legal stuff.
All the contents of this site are free under GNU GPL or CC A-SA licenses: please read what this means.

good, old microtome!

***HTML code & design by Manuel Barbera***